reflections of nature (poetry)

The wind
Waltzes gentally through the leaves
kissing each one as it passes by
and then continues it’s endless lonely journy

The wind
Waltzes gentally through the leaves
kissing each one as it passes by
and then continues it’s endless lonely journy

dance gracefully from a sullen sky
only to fall fataly to a desolate earth
helplessly watching others share their fate.

Ashes fall like tear drops
from the weeping fire
Coating the ground in a
Field of gray snow of sorrow
In rain, those ash of memory
Are turned to mud
And are washed away

By Nocturnal Pulse

I enjoy the thought of death, though I believe it's too good for me. I picture myself die in my mind in cenacle manners. My guardian angel has been charred and demonized due to a series of events. I love poetry, and photography will be my future career.