Repetitive Laughter.

Everyday is the same.
The same prejudice.
People throw insults.
My laughter rumbles down the corridor.

“GOTH” They shout.
How do they use it as an insult?
They laugh becuase I am different,
I laugh becuase they’re all the same.

“If you’re not a goth why do you wear a trench coat?”
Anyone can wear a trench coat.
The stereotypical goth does.
“HaHa”, I Chuckle.

Everyday is the same.
The same prejudice.
They shout at me but this time,
The corridor lies still.

–This Is Only My Second Post So Please Comment And Criticise–

By ~SeNzAfInE~

AsPiRiNg WrItEr, LuCiD DrEaMeR AnD FaErIe LoViNg FaNtAsIsT.