At one end of the cell he sat chained to a stone table weeping and at the other sat I against the wall sipping my bloodwine in thought. It had been hours gone sense I’d ripped him away from his cradle, but he cried still and never tired. ‘What to do with the child? What would be the best method of savoring the blood of the most innocent?’ I sat tapping my finger to my chin and sipping from my golden cup for a few hours more. The child had stopped weeping without my knowing. His voice had died and all he could manage were faint hisses and squeels. I rose to walk to were he was and stood over him, mouth watering. He had a face like a pig and all I could think of was all the ways I loved to eat pork. ‘If you look like a pig, squeel like a pig, and… *leaning in close to to sniff the child who’s puked and defecated on himself* diffinatly smell like a pig…well then, you must die like a pig.’ Laughing manically I grabbed a butchering knife that hung from the wall and sliced the child from the tip of the head to the bottom of the bottom in once swift motion. As I separated his body into pieces, I mockingly sang a fimilar song to his soul as it wisked around the room in horror.’…this little piggy had roast beef…this little piggy had none…’ I tossed the body bits in a large metal pot and lidded it up. After licking my fingers, I carried it up the
long dungen stairs and to the kitchen with the childs soul howling behind me all the way. Once on the stove I filled the pot with water, vegetables, and yummy seasonings. It would be a stew fit for Kings and it simmered and steamed to perfection all night long and through the next day. In my coffin I could hear the sunset like a magical
symphony in my head and I awoke fully rested and ready for mischeif. I went back to the kitchen to collect the stew and carry it out the Castle door to the black carriage that awaited me. The windows were drapped with red lace as the black horses braids were tied off at the ends with the same. Piggy’s soul, now my haunting companion, rode with me to the mansion nearest mine and it seemed the master of the house was awaiting me, for there were a row of servants at the entrance. They took the stew to the kitchen for warming and me to the lounge room to greet the Sir and Lady of the house. Apon entering the room I found it dark and dreary, the only light coming from the fireside where the two sat sobbing in their chairs. I knelt before each of them and kissed their hands with concern and condolence. ‘It is most difficult to lose ones only son in the dead of the night. I assure you, as the Commanding Officer of Justice in this small town of ours, this WILL NOT go unpunished. I will personally track down this hellish monster and show him to the devil’s door myself! Please have some dinner with me in the dinning room to discuss the details. I’ve brought a special stew to warm your hearts.’ With that they gathered composer and enjoyed the stew with me right down to the last drop. Shamlessly burping and rubbing his belly, the Lord of the house thanked me profussely for the delicious food, while the Lady even licked her fingers as I had. When dessert was finished, the misses went to bed and only the Lord and I remained at the table. He was smoking a cigar and rammbling about servants he suspected….strange things he hears at night from his chamber windows…shadows that wander off. All I could notice was the bit of blood dribbling down his chin. It was calling to me…beckoning me..begging me…I was hypnotised. I watched it dance this way and that down his throat. It was so beautiful and I was drawing nearer to it. I didn’t even realize what I was doing as my tounge slithered up the trail the blood had made from his neck to his mouth. What was a passionate kiss to him was a excavation for blood to me. As he went to unhinge his belt buckle I nipped and nibbled my way to his juggular, letting my fangs sink into the vein. The rush of blood to my mouth, on my tounge, down into my body was…orgasmic. His was cold blood, chilled with hate and corruption. It soothed me and filled me completely. Before I could collect my better judgement I had carried him to the edge of death. Leaning back and staring into his distant glare I quickly tore off his jaw and tossed it on the table. It made it easier to reach down into his throat and rip out his heart, tossing him off the edge and watching him plumet to death. It was done before he even had a chance to scream. When I rose from my coffin the next night a messenger of the house awaited me with news from my troubled neighbors. The head servant sent word that the Lady of the house awoke that morning to have breakfast early, for she could not
sleep, and found her husband dead and mutilated in his chair. She grabbed a butter knife and tore out her own heart, insain with greif and shock. I was to make my way to the house as soon as possible to tend to the mansion they’de left to me in their will. Piggy and I giggled and danced around each other at our inheiritance. As I had promised him the night before, I would soon turn the mansion into a place fit for metepsychosis. He would be given a body and made a vampire like me. He would then be the new Lord of the house and take the position of Second in Command of Justice. It would be beautiful and together we would make this hell on earth for all whom would came to live and die in our town.
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