When I can finally clear my mind
It’s only a matter of time
Till the negativity seep’s back in
Determined to kill me off and win
I’ve never felt a part of all of this
A grey sheep in a sea of white
I roamed away from their stinky smell
Now I just hide away in my own private hell
Maybe I truly cannot love
Maybe I will never truly trust
For in that sea of white I see
Few who are really trustworthy
I take everyone’s personality apart
To see what’s really in their heart
To find most inside are already laid to waste
Hiding all that mess behind that wall of their face
I’ve never felt a part of anyone
Even as some want me to
As much as I battle this reality
I have nothing left to choose
A grey sheep in a sea of white
At one time I tried to blend in
But it never felt right
For in that sea of white
I see few who view the world like me
They play their part’s
And then they die
This sea of white
This sea of lies
They feed off their own
To build themselves’s up
This sea of white
This sea of lies
They hide under their image
To fit into a herd
This sea of shit
In which Im treading
This hate inside me
That is growing
Your a prep,your a punk
But your all the same
Your all just part
Of your own blind game
Just a part of a crowd
That deserve’s no pity
Of a drowning race
Called humanity
This sea of shit
In which Im treading
Everyday in this
The more Im dreading
This sea of white
This sea of lies
This sea of white
That I despise
Adam Keith McElwain