Shattered Heart

and when i cry alone in my room
there’s nothing left to assume
but that you’re gone and it’s too soon
to try and find a way

and when i cry alone in my room
there’s nothing left to assume
but that you’re gone and it’s too soon
to try and find a way

to get over the fights we’ve had
get over the things you’ve said
tuck myself in to bed
this pain to end i pray

you don’t care, you’re not here
there’s nothing left but my fear
it’s taken over; there is no mirror
to look into and break

for all the glass of my heart is shattered
all the flesh on my skin is battered
all the blood on the floor is splattered
and it’s all for your sake

so i hope you’re happy now
i’ve gone and thrown in the towel
the fight you’ve won, ring the bell
another victory for lust

there’s nothing left for me to say
no more thoughts to go astray
no more kisses to pass the days
as i fade into dust

( Let me remind you: stealing is a crime. Let’s save us both the hassel and yourself the humiliation, don’t steal. I take pride in the crappiest of my writings. )

By Dollie Stitches

I'm young, I'm immature, I'm stupid and I'm an aspiring writer. Then again, this is what this country is nowadays, is it not? I'm German, but I live in the US (Texas to be exact). I write a lot but I'm not that good, I like to sing and I like webdesign, I like to eat and most of all I like to sit on my ass and if you don't like it, I don't care because I look different from everyone else with my caked on eyeliner and snow white face but I look JUST THE SAME as over half of you and the thing is that I just don't care. So, call me gothic, call me punk, I'll call you a moron and tell you to shut the fuck up. All of us look the same, listen to the same music and write about the same things so why are we so different? We're not, you people who SAY we're different make us different and it's you people that MAKE ME SICK because we'd be just as normal as everyone else if we didn't fucking CARE. Every one of you who says they "don't care about labels" is lying to yourself in one way or another because we're all hypocrites and we're all stereotypical bastards. Welcome to America.