Shit of The Day, Nostalgia, Incensed

These are three seperate poems, and as asked, I am compiling them together into one submission.

Shit of The Day

I can’t find my way
through the shit of the day
these feelings I hide
hide em with pride
the walls are caving in
I can’t get through the din
I can’t find my way
through the shit of today
Feelings of hate just won’t go away
they pile ontop
of the shit of the day
I’ve tried but there just isnt any other way
so lets dive right on into
the shit of the day
Now things may start
to go my way
but I still can’t wade
through the shit of the day
I’ve put on my goggles
and flippers to play
and swim my way through
the shit of the day
I reach up to find
I have no way
to get myself out of
the shit of the day


I talked about the past today
It killed me once again
I never thought he’d bring it up
but there it is again
I imagined he hated me
hated me for what I did
He imagined we were still friends
friends after what I did
Now he’s got the love of his life
I lost my chance that day
the day he asked her to be his
I kick myself to this day
the feelings will never go away
He will always be the first and the last,
the last one my wretched heart, could ever love.


I don’t love you.
I never could.
I thought I did.
But you were right all along.
Yeah thats right you win-
but I owe you nothing.
NOTHING I tell you!
I am yours and you know it!
Why must you abuse me this way?!
I can take the physical abuse;
that suits me just fine…
but when you ignore me
and beat me down with your insults
I just cant take it!!
I always seem to come back for more
Missy always loved you
she always will
but I couldn’t give a flying FUCK about you!
Except you give her life
her vitality
her fucking will to live
and to live I need her
she is my other half
without you she cannot deal
which means I have to deal
and I hate this fucking life
I want to just throw it all away
Take me under
I’m giving all of me
I’m crying tonight
I gave into you.

By blackdeath

I'm a typical teenager I suppose, I have a form of Bi-polar, and I hate everything, including myself, and if I didn't I wouldn't feel anything at all, so why be numb when you can hate?