“Silent Discussion”

I looked you in the eye,
the day we first met.
That first time,
so hard to forget.

I looked you in the eye,
and you looked back.
My grey eyes lost in yours,
blackest of black.

I looked you in the eye,
at our first touch.
A subtle gesture,
that meant so much.

I looked you in the eye,
and you gave me a kiss.
A taste so sweet,
a taste that I miss.

I looked you in the eye,
and first knew love.
I saw us grow old,
together and of.

I looked you in the eye,
for our first time.
two bodies two hearts,
both of one mind.

I looked you in the eye,
from down on one knee.
I gave you my soul,
and you married me.

I looked you in the eye,
when we built our first home.
A place for a family,
a place of our own.

I looked you in the eye,
when you gave me a child.
I watched you all night,
from the hospital tiles.

I looked you in the eye,
when they said she had died.
I held you in my arms,
that night while you cried.

I looked you in the eye,
more had died I could see.
not only my daughter,
but my wife… and me.

I looked you in the eye,
when I woke from sleep.
Your eyes darker than usual,
far far too deep.

I looked you in the eye,
on our ambulance ride.
I begged you to live,
you had no reply.

I looked you in the eye,
when you passed away.
I stood and I watched,
you buried in your grave.

I look myself in the eye,
and hate what I see.
I cut my own throat,
to watch myself bleed.

By Mannequin

Flawed by nurture, not by nature.