I am pleased to say that the lovely and talented Ms. Felissa Rose is a social media friend of mine. It was via her social media account that I first learned that she would be taking part in a documentary on SLEEPAWAY CAMP, the film in which she appeared in her most famous role, the murderous Angela Baker, at only 13 years of age. SLEEPAWAY CAMP, written, directed, and produced by Robert Hiltzik and released in 1983, was lifted above the standard teen slasher formula by that infamous twist ending and overall solid storytelling. (As regards the former, on the off-chance that there’s one person out there in Internet land who hasn’t seen the movie and has somehow remained ignorant all these years regarding the film’s finale, I will say no more about it.) Unlike many of the slasher films created during that time, all the ones Roger Ebert lay awake at night worrying about, SLEEPAWAY CAMP has built upon its initial success and has developed a cult following.

The forthcoming documentary, to be entitled ANGELA: THE OFFICIAL SLEEPAWAY CAMP DOCUMENTARY, will be executive produced by Felissa Rose and is slated to run four hours in length. That’s a lot of SLEEPAWAY CAMP!

By TheCheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of Evil Cheez Productions ( - - specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. And he really likes vampires and werewolves. Like, a LOT.

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