so stereotypical

why do people care? why do they have to make a comment about everything? mostly stuff thats none of their business. i hate school so much. everyone is so shallow.

and judgemental. its kinda funny though b/c thye believe anything. me and my friend decided to see how bad we could trash our reputations. we told like one person that we had sex with 4 guys we didn’t know while really high b4 a volleyball game. and we started talking about witchcraft and evilness, although were not witches. but now everyone thinks were slutty witches. when in reality were both virgins who go to church. i like to see who i want to talk to and who i dont care about by seeing who willl actually take the time to look beyond the stereotypes and labels. i was walking by a tabel at lunch and some guy yelled i worship jesus not marilyn manson. what in the world? im really a nice person, but he’ll never find out. do you guys relate to my aggrivation with stupid people?

By tornfrippie

hi. my name is heather and i don't know what to write here. i hate living in wv, b/c most people are boring rednecks who are extremely predjudice and judgemental. i awnt to be an actress and try to break as many stereotypes as possible. people at my school think im a witch b/c i sometimes wear black lipstick. vaguely amusing.


  1. You just fucked yourself in the ass… hard.

    If it’s one thing you don’t ever do in school, it’s spread nasty rumors about yourself. You can never get them to go away and even the teacher will know about it.

    Yes, people are stupid. In my opinion they are the most idiotic life forms on this Earth. I despise them. You have to get used to them though. I know people are shallow, they are rude and heartless, sadistic and braindead. That’s the way it is, just get accustomed to it.

  2. Well, I understand how stupid people are including myself, particulary when the misjudge or prejudge you. However, you told them a lie in which they based their actions and DUMB ASS statements to you.
    The best way to handle things is to tell them if they fuck with you any further you’re gonna blow their brains out with a sawed off shotgun while singing six hail mary’s.
    With all the columbine shit going on they’ll believe you and respect you-trust me.
    Then you get to see the mindboggling affects of fear and respect.

  3. kinda of tacky.
    you can do better than that.
    somehow, you ‘re too rash.
    time to isolate yourself. then.

  4. Funny, after going back to school after many years I find that same mentality still exists. Everyone assumes things about others, like it’s some vast guessing game, can’t tell the truth from a lie.

    I used to think people were smarter too. No one really knows how to ask questions anymore, except those who do care and can see the distress. But for the others, it’s almost as if they are frightened of what they might find, that suddenly their opinion of you is ‘wrong’, they’re afraid of being wrong more than anything else.

    Unfortunely, you’ve started this, rumors go around, get twisted and can come out worse than when they started…there’s really no way out of this, but to live with this and just be who you really are and maybe one day they’ll realise.

    So how have you learned out of this experience? (if you don’t mind me asking) Have I been of any help?

  5. Erm…who gave you the right to judge everyone like that, but i suppose its human nature.And why should you care what other ppl think about you or what they say about you,just get on with ur life thats what i do,i know what you are thinking though i mean im a goth and ppl do say things about me,but i dont care its the way i am and ive accepted it and so should other ppl,well they dont have to,but they wil eventually.So there you go i do have a problem with stupid ppl but not ever1 is stupid…so who gives two hoots about it.

  6. Some people are like that and other people aren’t. Rumors are unstoppable and I must say, however, that I have never had one which is malicious or harmful passed around about me. I have been teased for my clothing, my previously blue hair, and even my friends, but none of that was untrue. To have something said of me, I would have had to of started it myself. The people here are gossipers, but they only start things of those who deserve.

    You did get yourself set up for alot of slanderous things to be said, but in reality, I myself would do it too. It demonstrates the vulgarity of alot of people. There are, however, the few who will never do that. Good luck in finding them.


  7. Rumors. I’m a goth, and some people started some pretty far out rumors saying that I was getting high on extasy… although I hate drugs !!! anyway, people are scared of what they don’t understand so they try to find reasons to explain what they can’t understand. Don’t hate them, it’s human nature. Of course they suck.
    For sure you didn’t make your life easier by telling stories… but maybe you didn’t want it to be. Don’t expect people to not talk about you, when their lives are so boring, all they have to do is talk about odd people and weird stories.

  8. What the hell, that’s a weak rumour. “Oh no!! LifeisDeath takes X!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!”

    That wasn’t an attack on you, by the by, LifeidDeath, it was to the people who started that rumour.


  9. Messias, are you not all there in the head?
    With all the Columbine shit going on, you make that comment and your ass is in jail before the day is over.

    Simple advice to everyone. Don’t care what people think. If someone tells you about a rumor, just ask them if they believe it. Then don’t make a reply after they say yes or no. Just tell them, “that’s great.”

    Don’t judge others. Don’t pretend to know everything about someone you have never spoken to.

    Stupid adivce that everyone should know already.

    *sigh* People are so ignorant.

  10. funny how people ht get so fuckin sick n pestter n peek into others lives,…he sorry fact here is tht u rnot wht u falsely procalimed to be n my heartiest empathies with tht.but the fuckin part is tht even if u were wht the fuck is people’s problem in their asses tht they have to decide who decides to live like whom?nwho decides to worship whom?its a free country,free wolrd free soul.somebody shudreally catch hold of them n put a spear up their asses in order to striaghten tem up ,…

  11. Humans are afraid of becoming outcast. That is why even those who don’t agree with what everyone else says do so anyway. They don’t wanna be thought of as you are thought of. Stupid ignorant…
    But you did screw up bad sayin’ stuff like that. And I care for everyone on this forum…except for ‘notyou’. I think I speak for everyone when I say that i’d like to rip his head off.

  12. Torn my dear,You myt not listen to me but this is all i could tell you right now,these people that spread out rumors about you have either:
    2.dry brain cells
    3…the “NOTYOU” DISEASE?

    Whatever it is,just stay the same.You dont have to prove them wrong because they already are..And you dont have to prove that you are right because,likewise,you already are.

  13. Can you FEEL the hate?

    For one time, I’m going to have to be insensitive. GET OVER IT. Yeah, you’re an outcast, blah blah blah, people don’t like you, you spread a rumor about yourself(which was totally assbrained of you), you need to stop being so childish. People will jude, be outcasted, have stupid shit said behind their backs. It’s life. Forget about it, forget about people, the only thing you should care about is you and the people you love. Screw everyone else.

    I need some pills.

  14. jude?

    Erm.. I meant “judge”
    I have pain, I have the right to screw up every once in a while. I’m human like everyone else..

  15. sometimes the silence you project says the most. rumors spread about me because i don’t talk to anyone. the same thing happened to a guy i know. he just never said anything. for a while people thought he was mute. when they asked if he could talk, he just smiled and walked away. rumors spread that he was psycho and that any day he would shoot up the school…me i just ignored the rumors they go away, either that or the people that spread them do. it’s something you just live with or die from.


  17. normal doesn’t exist, you can’t be normal. People aren’t normal. Nothing is normal.

  18. normal does exist to a select few. it’s living inside the normal mores of society…like i said to a select few.

    devilshalo, she’s probably just a stupid bitch, don’t worry about it. no you’re not normal…somehow i don’t think anyone on this site is totally normal…myself included.

  19. Normal. Hm. I think to be normal is another matter of personal experience and opinion. I see myself as me.. since I can’t define normal. Other people see me as weird while others see me as one of the most normal people in the world. *shrugs* It has to do with your area, your opinions, and your open / close mindedness.

    Atleast that’s what I think.


  20. I can tell you why she pulled that child from you. She probably thought you were a pedophile. Don’t worry about it, it’s happened to me a few times.

    Normal? HAHAHAHAH! That’s the funniest word in the world.
    Check it… NOTHING is normal. Are you nothing?
    Okay, so people might see you as normal, or weird, or psychotic, or quiet, or ordinary, or maybe even a bit plain. It’s all just opinions. In my mind.. Nicole is normal. Everyone else she knows thinks she’s weird. And she is. But to me, she is one of the ‘normal’ because of the way she thinks and how she reacts to different situations.

    You can’t define normal. Normal as a technical term would conclude to nothing. Nothing can not exist.
    (Take a look at that sentence, every word that ends each sentence is the bigeinning of the new sentence. I just noticed it.)

    Is this making sense to anyone but me?

    Hit me back.
    (I sound “ghetto” or some shit. It’s been a strange week.. don’t mind me.)

  21. I can tell you why she pulled that child from you. She probably thought you were a pedophile. Don’t worry about it, it’s happened to me a few times.

    Normal? HAHAHAHAH! That’s the funniest word in the world.
    Check it… NOTHING is normal. Are you nothing?
    Okay, so people might see you as normal, or weird, or psychotic, or quiet, or ordinary, or maybe even a bit plain. It’s all just opinions. In my mind.. Nicole is normal. Everyone else she knows thinks she’s weird. And she is. But to me, she is one of the ‘normal’ because of the way she thinks and how she reacts to different situations.

    You can’t define normal. Normal as a technical term would conclude to nothing. Nothing can not exist.
    (Take a look at that sentence, every word that ends each sentence is the beginning of the new sentence. I just noticed it.)

    Is this making sense to anyone but me?

    Hit me back.
    (I sound “ghetto” or some shit. It’s been a strange week.. don’t mind me.)

  22. Erm,well what you have just summed up is normal,so whatever you count as weird or what may you my dear is normal coz everything which exists is normal.
    And yes Intoxication it does make sence to me and no im not a peadophile (you spelt paedophile wrong it has an ‘a’ in it too)
    Lookin forward too hearing from you.

  23. Mourningstar2002,im not a bitch im quite nice once you get to know me…so give me a chance for christs sake I didnt post that just to get abuse,gawd i was just sayin define normal but i suppose you cant or whatever….erm ive just confused myself (thats not hard im artificially blonde)

  24. Argh woops just got it, you wernt calling me a bitch god im soooo dim,sorry mourningstar2002 didnt mean to have a go at you I didnt ead it right (slaps forhead with embarrassment)

  25. Okay.. not everything is normal. Normal is nothing. Must I repeat this again?

    By the way, I’m not wrong. It is spelt ‘pedophile’. If you don’t believe me, look it up.
    And uh…when you did try to correct me, you put the word there twice with two different spellings.

  26. Look, stop crying and live for yourself.
    If you don’t like these people (and theyre obviously not worth it) then why the fuck do you care what they think of you?
    They’re not fucking worth it.

    *Beautiful Mess*

    And Tox, we all make mistakes, even you are allowed to sometimes.


    ^–What the hell is that?

    Forgive me but I do NOT agree with anyone ALLOWED to make a mistake. Mistakes HAPPEN and are FORGIVEN for but ALLOWED? Oops, I got you pregnant–> Don’t worry about it, you’re allowed 1 mistake. HAHAHAHA! That’s pretty funny. I hope this makes more sense–> I got yu pregnant, I’m sorry, but I will take care of both of you.–> I need to heal, and yes, I may forgive you if you’ve proven yourself to be as you’ve promised. Doesn’t that sound better?


    Mistakes are a measure of imperfection and being human. They are not allowed to happen but being human, they happen. It’s what you do about your mistake that determines if the mistake remains a mistake or is transformed into a lesson.

    PS: Sorry for the attack Beautiful Mess, you are a good person..Ü

  28. I Personally think you should muster up all that aggrivation and riddle your face with led you scantily clean whore. Suicide is your option indefinately.

  29. Thank lostwords, I dunno about being a good person, but it’s nice to be told that. 🙂

    *Beautiful Mess*

  30. I always make mistakes(believe it or not) but noone usually notices them.

    And uh…yeah. I agree with Lostwords.


  31. those werent rumors, u really did take it up the ass from 4 guys, and ur just mad becasue someone found the video footage of it, face it, u have no friends, ur family doesnt care about you, nobody cares about u, nobody would care ir u were dead or alive, KILL YOURSELF, i need more points.

  32. Is “KILL YOURSELF” your favorite phrase? I find it kind of amusing considering no one will listen to you, yet they get offended anyway.

    And uh..more points?

  33. ah, mor points you ask?
    well im having a little contest, in case u sorry ass plugs havent alredy realized it, eahc person you talk into killing themselves, u get a point, first person to reach 10 pts. is the WINNER.
    let the games begin…..NOW

  34. Just so you can get your point… I’m going to kill myself.

    Not now. Maybe later in life.
    Does that count?

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