Solace In Silence and Darkness

I am not a goth although I can relate to things which I have read in this site. Darkness is facinating.
A week ago I was asked by a professor to write a paper. I was told to pick a topic in which I could argue for or against the contrasting issues.

Naturally It took an hour to come up with a topic for this assignment. “Darkness and evil is profoundly more enticing than good”, is what I came up with. Now here is the pitch, I am asking all of you out there to help me. Why do some people find “solace in silence and darkness?”

I will start out the discussion hopefully to bring more responses flaying in.

It was a few years ago that I found darkness most compelling. All my life I lived as the jock who got good grades, went to parties, and got blitzed off his ass quite a bit. Yet something went on a tangent two years ago, my life flipped upside-down and I lost everything. Blowing my shoulders out and having two surgeries made me think about what was dearest to me. My friends, family, schoolwork I questioned everything, even GOD. Not one friend came to visit me after my first surgery or even my second for that matter. I found my self at home more often than ever before, I could not look people in the eye anymore. I began to read Anne Rice which I am sure most of you are familiar with. Then I researched theology and religion trying to find out if GOD exists or not. I sat there day and night thinking of nothing but darkness and vampires. Thinking that this is so amazing and interesting, I wanted to enter this world of blood sucking and romantic, morbid fantasy.

I haven’t really talked to my friends since this time. One would say I did a bit of growing up in a short time. I left that world I had grown fond of and entered a new world where pain and disdain remind me everyday that life can obliterate everything in the span of one day.

Now I have since past this stage of darkness in my life. Yet now I question why it is that we are compelled to jump into the darkness. In my case it was an injury which shocked my perception of reality. Is it the magic assosiated with vampires, or is it that darkness is so expressive. That we as a society have supressed our dark desires for ages and now in this day and age we can speak free of our true thoughts. Everything falls to darkness now a day, movies, music, literature, even Sesame Street with the Count. Help me out if you would find the time for me. This is for self awareness as well as my paper. Thank you.

By Despairity

All that I am stems from those who created me.


  1. I cannot honestly name one event as why I am of a darker mentality and perspective than most of the people I know. I’ve always found the irony in darker situations.

    I wouldn’t say that darkness and evil are always hand in hand. Sometimes the light blinds you, hiding the harsh and hard to deal with realities of life. In my opinion, that is the truth the majority of the time.

    Darker people are more open minded, more accepting, than the so called normals. I’ve actualy never been able to define normal, either….

    I once told someone that dark people are just people with different views. They usualy have, if not less, then entirley different delusions about life.
    Some suffer from depression, mania, or someother form of mental distress, but that’s not a requirement.

    To be brutaly honest, dark people are just the ones the mainstream isn’t ready, or willing to accept. It’s human nature to fear what is not understood.

    Hence the seclusion, and oppression of most non christian religions. If it requires that they challenge themselves, it is often veiwed with open hostility.

    I’m most likely not making much sense, I’ve been up crying all night yet again. My ex decided it would be a good thing to introduce me to his new “friend.”

    “You two are so much alike, I bet you’d make good friends”….ect.

    some people are lacking any common sense at all… but thats an entirly different topic.


  2. Thanks for your response. You helped me learn a little more. I think you are right Evil and Dark are not necessarily associated with one another. Expression is frowned upon in society. A man or woman attempts to be somthing other than the social norm and they are ridiculed or exiled from the group. I am catching beef from the kids at college because I never leave the room and always do my art work and school work. I laugh and shrug it off because I know that I will do whatever it takes to be the best. I will go to great sacrifices to stay on top, I think to many that seems a little absurd yet I am here to carry out my dream. Maybe that was a little confusing in a round about way of agreeing. Thanks again.

    Cheer up, the sun is out and there is a world full of people who can make you happy. Unless its raining where you are at, regardless cheer up I don’t like to hear about girls crying is makes me sad.

  3. hmmm, it is a very good question despairity, (and a hard one) i never was a jock, but i once was conformed, 8th grade year, i listend to rap and strived to fit in with the “cool” kids…as sad as it is it was true…please beat me your hearts content (and to my content too) BUT ANYWAYS! the “trigger” that made me go goth or to love the darker side of life was i went to an acting camp (perry mansfeild out where i live) and i got back to my metal roots, by listening to Godsmack, also i had my real first girlfriend at that camp, and so when we went our own ways, that could have influenced that a little bit (although i think more the godsmack), but…sometimes it can be a tragic thing in someones life that makes them love death and darkness, i know i went through a LOT of depressions (althought drugs could account for that) but, it could also be because they wanna rebel cause every teen goes through that point where they wanna piss off their parents in one way or another, and goths are really a good way to freak out the normal folks. and while metal and punk are on the rise, they still are considered not mainstream as opposed to rap and pop

    hope that helps

    Mr. Spooky

  4. Yes this helps out as well. Thanks a ton for the response. These posts are helping me more than you know.

  5. There was no definative moment where i turned toward darkness, but i realize that it is just a more open minded and accepting environment. and to reiterate what nev said…sometimes people are just too blinded by the light to see lifes cruel realities of death/suffering/ and pain. thats it, Good luck with the paper, and perhaps tell us how it works out for you

  6. yes, do tell us… and thanks for the pep talk, I’m in a much better mood now.

  7. Darkness? hard question, it’s here, everywhere, people see it, or they try to shy away from it’s power. Either they love it, or they’re afraid. They either live in it, or they refuse to let it in their lives, even though it’s life itself.
    I was always interested in vampires, even before I became completely “dark”… Darkness describes life to me, life how it actually is… and so many parts of me that I never understood… It just helps… but life is death, I usually say… what can make you turn to darkness ? The fact that life is complete shit and that you’re always all alone no matter what you do…

  8. This, this is the typical stereo-tipe goth subject. A great way to invoke poeple, why start the label thing again, eh? nagh!

  9. I think he liked the idea for the paper, but now I have to gather all of my stuff together and write it up well. But thanks for everything I will be in touch.

  10. I’m not a goth nor into metal, but I do get into the darker side of life. Always have in one form or another. That darkerside that most refuse to walk into and confront within themselves. I do however suffer from depression and have done so most of my life through circumstance and loneliness, and mainly from being very different from everyone else around me in one way or another.

    The darker side has its uses. I do care far more about people’s emotional state because I know what it’s like and can either sympathise or empathise. I can read the Tarot Cards amazing well, and surprise even myself that I can do this well.

    This turns the tide and I can use what I find within the darkness to produce something creative, and in some sense it drives my creativity…it’s not all the good things in life…it’s in reality all the pain and suffering which drives my creative side, although it may not look it sometimes.

    I hope this is of some help, from my own personal experience.

  11. I like darkness because it gives me tranquility, a place to rest and forget the world around, is a place where you can find yourself and do what ever you want to do.

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