Sort of a cold smile…

This is just a dream that I had last night. It hasn’t left my mind since I woke up so I thought I’d write it down during English class. They thought I was writing a play or something.

People in my dream:
-A little girl, somewhere around 9 or 10 years old. Kind of looks like Lara Croft as a young girl (if you’ve ever played The Last Revelation), with pigtail braids.
-The same girl, older.
-A man, somewhere in his early 20s. He has curly brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.
-The same man, a few years (maybe 3 or 4) older.
-The girl’s mother.
-The girl’s group of 6 or 7 friends.

My dream seemed like it took place anywhere from the late 70’s to the mid-90’s. The little girl is outside, doing something (playing?) in what looks like a glass or plastic orb made to fit a human. (Like a human hamster ball of some sort.) The man sticks his head through a hole in the orb and starts talking to the girl. He makes the mistake of saying “meister” or “mister” (?) and the girl suddenly goes crazy. She stands up, says “How did you know my name was meister/mister?!” and bites him. (I’m not sure if she bit his tongue or his crotch.) The man flies back and lands in someone’s front yard, and falls on his back. Whatever the girl bit unfurls from his body in a long tapeworm-like mass, maybe 10 feet long. It’s ugly and raw looking, but not bloody – looks like it was put through some kind of meat processer. He lays there and looks kinda dead.

Now we see the little girl, now older, maybe 18 or 19 (and her hair is now shorter). She’s looking around nervously, as though she’s waiting for something terrible to happen. She’s walking with a group of friends, holding a boy’s (her boyfriend’s?) hand, in what looks like a museum. It’s dark and the hallways/rooms are very narrow. The group laughs and jokes as if they know the place; the girl looks around as if she’s seeing it for the very first time. She’s wearing a dark jean jacket. The group stops suddenly and the boy lets go of her hand. The girl is kind of pushed to the front of the group, which then opens around her. Her mother stands there, shown for the first time. The girl is shocked because the man (who now has a pale face and eye and lip makeup on, making him look a little like Gene Simmons) is standing grinning behind her mother. The girl says something along the lines of “What are you doing with him?!” to her mother, who gives a short reply that avoids the question entirely, and smiles. The girl stands there, mouth gaping, as her mother turns and walks in the opposite direction, disappearing in a distant room. The man moves closer to the girl, still grinning, as the group goes, joking again, into a room in the left. The girl stares at the man as he flicks his tongue at her. “I don’t talk to strangers,” she says. The group yells and jeers, as if urging the girl to do something back to the man. She leans forward and licks his tongue twice, then pulls back. The man laughs and watches the girl’s back as she walks into her group’s room. They go back to talking among themselves, and the boy takes the girl’s hand again. She keeps glancing around, and in the background we see the group breaking out a cooler of what’s most likely beer. There’s no light on in the room, but there’s a faint glow from one corner as if someone’s draped an orange sheet over a dim lamp. The rest of the room has a slightly blue tinge to it. The girl glances around, obviously more nervous than before, and we are pushed into her view. Her eyes stop on the door, and we see some feet/shoes under the door. It’s not distinctive who they belong to, but we know they are the man’s feet.

Then I woke up.

By Illuminati

My life is not yours to jest at.


  1. see why are my dreams never that interesting?
    more disturbing usually, but always less interesting.

  2. Wow, wierd huh… Do you believe that dreams mean something? Maybe you should try to find one of them people who tell you! Specially if you remember it, and it’s all written here. Even if you don’t it could be a laugh!! I have wierd dreams, my last one i shoved 2 people in a washing machine to kill them, as they were trying to kill me…. O_o

  3. This was interesting…

    I had a dream that a girl I hadn’t spoken with in months was my friend again, and we were talking and just hanging out, and about a week or two later she and I started talking again.


  4. Yeah, I think dreams always mean something.

    red sheep low: i had a dream last night that i was in a school full of convicts and i was the only sane one, and there were lots of dead babies around… and some of them were bloody and some of them were malformed like they’d been run over by a truck
    red sheep low: and people were all in chains all over the place, it was like a warehouse.. and this guy started chewing on this bloody dead baby except it was still kinda alive and it cried
    red sheep low: and then we picked up a crate full of dead babies and started throwing them over a really high railing.. and it was fucking scary cause they flew around and came back up to fly right into my face
    red sheep low: so i kept seeing all these malformed and bloody babies all over the place, it was freaky
    red sheep low: and then that guy started chewing on it again
    red sheep low: its freaky when you wake up, you think there are a bunch of dead babies in your room
    red sheep low: its like the abortion ads

    Heh… that was another dream I had a few nights ago, lol… red sheep low is my AIM if anyone cares. πŸ˜›

  5. wow

    thats a kinda weird dream, I thought mine were odd…… I think BrokenDreams has a point – you should see if there’s any meaning behind it, that hamster ball thing I think has some maybe….. my dreams usually revolve around purple sheep & penguins, much less interesting, then there are the REALLY weird ones with the demon Hamster creature that always tries to eat me… ok I’ll be quiet now.

    Good luck with the dreaming; very interesting….

  6. my dreams are usually rivers of blood, pooling over my skin. And in through my pores, touching places in my organs and my muscle, warming me like hot water.

    Around the edges of the pool is everyone I’ve lost, their faces cold and gaunt, and their bodies reaching out to me. Usually at the end the pool catches fire and my skin starts to peel away from me, disintegrating in a pile of dust at my feet.
    Of course …. i know exactly what that dream’s reminding me of.

    Question is, what are yours trying to bring you?

    Oh well …. at least I have somebody warm and understanding to wake up to.

  7. I like your dream. Something i might dream about. I would add killing with the music I hear , but i still like the dream or plot as it stands.

  8. illuminati, the first dream could symbolize that you feel betrayed by someone you would normally hold dear to you.

    it could also symbolize that you feel out of place in something you are doing. or that you are anticipating something to come, but are also worried about it.

    that second dream could symbolize that you feel you were robbed of something that was rightfully yours. it could also represent a loss of some sort.

    dream analysis isn’t that hard, but it’s easier when you have some insight to the person’s life.

    ps. i’m not a professional. i do it for fun, but i am usually right when people around me tell me their dreams.


  9. …well you’re right. I’ve been betrayed, I’m out of place in the same situation, and in another situation I’m worried about something I’m doing to another person. He doesn’t know it yet but he will soon. And when that happens I hope I’m not around.

    Thanks Mourning πŸ™‚

  10. That was an ace dream, strange, but ace. I always find it weird though when i dream about people who i’ve never even met in my life. I remember i once had a dream when i was a kid about a guy with long jet black hair and he was washing a car in the summertime. I was convinced for years that he was the guy i was going to marry, that one day i’d meet him and he’d be washing a car and we’d live happily ever after. I guess theres still time…

  11. Wow MourningStar, that’s a pretty cool talent you got yerself there… You should try to work out some of my dreams one day!!! *~*Broken*~*

  12. i always dream about fighting or arguing….and saying soemthing i really think to someone who i secretly dont like…and then i feel this immense feeling of guilt throughout the entire day…almost like i feel as though i did it…
    i dont kno what that means…but i dont really let people know how i feel or think..if theyre pissing me off or hurting me i jes kinda move away from them…i dunno if its telling me to be more vocal…
    wat do yall think??

  13. Greetings Illuminati,

    A most interesting dream, and I am not going to try to analyse or interpret it, MourningStar has already done an excellent job of that (feel my envy MourningStar ;-)). My dreams most often go weird, although there’s usually more twisting of the laws of physics and reality by magickal means. The only problem is that while I tend to remember things I see in waking life, the unconscious memory I possess is like as Tolkien put it “a lumber room: Something wanted, always buried.”

    Do you also suffer (or enjoy the benefit of) Deja VΓΊ, Illuminati? Usually I find it happening to me in the middle of conversations when certain friends are around me. Then I wonder what might happen if I see it coming and don’t follow through with what was shown to me prior to the event in question. Do any of you experience this?

    Anyway, keep dreaming. Reality Bites, It’s dreams that keep you going.

    Fare thee well


  14. Usually, our dreams say something about what we are thinking before we sleep. Take it easy, disturbing at first but you’ll actually enjoy it after some time.

    I don’t believe in nightmares…

  15. i believe in nightmares. i also believe in dreamcatchers (such as my darling boyfriend) who keep them away. feel the force of my smugness.

  16. Nightmares are just dreams with a twist of evil thoughts!!! Nothing wrong with that…. I had a nightmare when i was little that Hook from Peter Pan tried to kill me, and it was horrible cos i woke up but when i shut my eyes it came back!?!?! haha ok… I’le shut up now….

  17. unkeptsecret, it may be telling you to be more vocal, but it may also be reminding you to think before you speak. you realize that you don’t always say the things you want to, but the guilt you feel after the dreams is a reminder that sometimes it is best to hold one’s tongue.

    durmegil, thanx.

  18. thanks mourning star…that really makes a lot more sense…lol
    yeh nightmares suck…i have a lot about the appocolips….or however u spell it….freaky shit!!! πŸ™ lol

  19. dreams about the apocalypse could signify a fear of what you know changing.

  20. I loooove deja vu… I hate the confused feeling it gives me though. It makes me wonder if I’ve forgotten something the entire day.

  21. actually on the subject of peter pan, broken, hook CAN’T kill you.

    The original peter pan is actually the angel of dead children. The story goes that the children had died in their nursery during a time when childhood disease was high. Never never land is the world where the souls of dead children go. So technically the one you should worry about is Pan not Hook. Living proof that disney is fuct up.

    Anyways …. i think I lost my point.

  22. Haha wow! Thanks for that, im sure after many years of not having that nightmare i can finally be sure i wont have it again!!

    What was Tinkerbell ??!

  23. Interesting about Peter Pan, well Tinkerbell is some sick whore of a fairy. No need to mention her

  24. Interesting about Peter Pan, well Tinkerbell is some sick whore of a fairy. No need to mention her

  25. i don’t know what tinkerbell was. some sort of fairytale frosting to make the story less sick i think.

  26. I have MSN but I don’t use it… just contact me on AIM. “red sheep low”

    That Peter Pan story is badass…

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