I been wiccan for 6 months. I have to hide it from everyone, because people stereo type it as *BAD* and they think it’s devil worshipinG. Wicca is all about herbs and the enviroment. You still can be christian and be a wiccan too.
We believe in the God and Goddess.The god is the sun and we can’t live without God,cuz we need the sun to servive. The Goddess is the universal mother. She is the source of endless wisdom and fertility. She Gives life but also promises death. She is known as the mother. Christians believe no other reliGion is good, only the christian religion is good and they close their minds from anything else. We celebrate 8 Seasonal & Lunar Rituals, which are Beltane(may 1), Summer Solstice(june 21), Lammas (aug 1), Fall Equinox (sept 21), Samhain (nov 11), Winter Solstice (dec 21), Candlemas(feb 2), SprinG Equinox(march 21)…..what i’m talkinG about being stuck in a bloom closet is most wiccans hide their beliefs, because people would harass them or maybe even try to kill them. Believe it or not there are 5 million wiccans just in the usa.I know your sayinG how do they know this if no one is will to say that they are wiccan. they totaled all the books that were sold across america. This number miGht be wrong tho.I only open my faith on the internet and to my b/f. I think my parents would disown me is they found out i was practicinG wicca. If any of this stuff interests you pick up a book or go on a website and just teach yourself. Thats what i did. Someday i hope Wicca is exceptible. keep the faith ! ~*JeNn*~
Wicca is quite exceptible, almost everyone I know is pagan or wiccan. Where I live (Ontario Canada), there is festivals such as Whisper fest, to celebrate the up coming seasons. If you are in any religion, and you truly are proud to be a part of it, why hide your beliefs? Have you tried talking to others about Wicca? Through the past years Paganism has become quite popular, but also misused…
You should not have to feel like you need to hide your faith from society. I guess I am use to talking to others about religion though…
Just a few months back I purchased
The Satanic Bible, and The Necronomicon but did not avoid telling my friends and family of my interest in though religions…
Maybe you just are not around the type of people you would like to be around. I am sure if you loked around for Wiccans like yourself you would find them, I myself use to be Wiccan.
It would be interesting meeting a Christian/Wiccan considering Christians do not believe in having faith in other religions then their own…
Let’s hear it for syncretism! Double the holidays, double the fun.
Wicca is actually becoming a mainstream religion. In most cities, people don’t even bat an eye when you say you’re a Wiccan. Or maybe they think it’s “just some new age fad,” which is patronizing but it certainly beats being accused of cavorting around a campfire slaughtering Persian cats or something.
Still, there are some traditional pockets. My own parents disowned me when I came out (to be fair, they hear about the witchcraft as kind of an afterthought after I dropped the bomb about my girlfriend) so there you are.
Hang in there and move out of the house as soon as you can, and go seek a better, more open-minded place to live. You might try Ann Arbor. I’ve heard nice things about Ann Arbor.
I’m an Episcopalian, my philosophy of religion is essentially Unitarian, and I’m a witch. Looks like you just met somebody.
Not the greatest of stereotypes. At this present point in my life, I do follow the christian doctrine (it may change, I am always looking to enlighten myself) and I am terribly accepting of other’s religions and beliefs. I tell many people that the world would, in fact, be a better place if many people followed the doctrines that Wiccan/Pagans bring to our society. Likewise with some teachings of Jesus. I know it sounds terribly hokey, but how bad could the earth possibly be if we loved everyone and treated them with respect.
Plus, there are many similarities in both faiths. (I do not use the word religion usually as it really is a naughty word and implies things that shouldn’t be implied.)
There are many christians out there that do not consider it their sole purpose in life to force their beleifs on other people. (Never could understand why people do that. Who on earth is going to beleive something just because someone else says to?)
It’s not fair to make stereo-types on the whole faith, as that makes one no better then the same inncorrect stereo-types about pagans.
Indeed, Ann Arbor is also one of the most beautiful and clean cities, quite possibly in the United States. Ok well close at least. The pagan circles are wide and friendly here, maybe that has something to do with living in a state where everyday joe is probably a hunter, or fisherman. We have some of the most wonderful natural resources next to California and the west coast. Although thats not to say that there aren’t problems. In fact I just recieved an email today concerning a self proclaim wiccan priest in the Detroit area who uses his stature to seduce very young women. The pagan community here is in constant communication. We owe this a great deal to a favorite website of mine….
The withches voice has a wonderful network of people available to help you. Come out of the closet and dance with the trees…
Ok sorry for sounding so much like a travel guide for Michigan, but hey we rule. And we make really cool cars……
You can’t be christian and wiccan. They are both religions and you can’t be two religions.
Why not?
Who says?
What’s wrong with following the ideals of say, both Buddhism and Hinduism? If you believe in certain tenets of certain religions, who says you can’t pick and choose? Does following what feels good and what seems right from different religions mean you believe in them any less? I think religion and religious philosophy can be a lot like life experiences; keep what helps you, what is important, and discard the rest.
Being ashamed of your religion and choosing not to tell others of it are two very different things. I am Wiccan, but I have learned from past experiences that you cannot trust everyone, especially if you confide in them when you wish to remain in the Broom Closet. I am beamingly proud of my religion; I love it. I am not ashamed of it, and I have lost many so-called friends and a past boyfriend because I chose this path. But I am still walking it. To use Christians as a sterotype, most of them, if they find out you are a Witch (which they have been told from birth to think is Satanic), will do one of four things: Pray for your soul, condemn you to hell, try to convert you, or run screaming in the other direction. I choose, for the time, to keep my religion `secret` because, to be rather blunt, my parents are huge Christians and would basically ship me off to a convent if they found out I was ~gasp~ something different from them. And that’s their right, I suppose. Humans fear what they do not understand.
I do agree with Jaded, however. There are very many Wiccans/Pagans out there. Most of them are just hiding, like you are.
You go gyrl!! (apologies if not female) some people can’t see more than one view,i prefer to view the world with open eyes and an open mind.like you said take whats best and discard the rest.
You can be part of two religions but being wiccan and Christian would just be condridicting your Christian belief….