Stuck-up Bitches

I’m sure everyone has been a victim of some conceited fucker’s taunts at one point in this black pit of despair called life. It’s happened to me before, now it’s happening again.

And I don’t even know the bitch. She just pushes me out of her way whenever she walks by and talks shit about me. This is REALLY pissing me off. Cuz last time that this happened was the first time I picked up the razorblades in a while.

Shit, I’ve never stood up for myself before in my whole life. Getting pushed around was something I was good at. I wanna kick the bitch’s ass but she’s got this group of other stuck-up sluts and actually, I’m afraid to say anything to her. There are more scars on my arms now… Those of you out there who can empathize with me… What should I do?

By SweetRelief

I don't like pain. Yet I'm addicted to it. I've been accused of being mentally insane. Yay.


  1. Kick her ass even if she has friends, I’d rather die fighting and on my feet than die on my knees. Get your friends involved. Really teach her a lesson, fucked up bitches really need to get smacked down. Got enough scars and new cuts to prove it. Let her strike the first blow though or if you don’t give a shit just kick her ass randomly. I tend to not care what the authoritie think. Hehehe…


  2. Ive got two items of advise for you. One, stop cutting yourself. I know its hard, but I have plenty of scars myself, so trust me nothing good comes from cutting. Two, Be very careful what you do about this girl. A similar situation happened to a girl I know. She came to me for advise on how to get rid of the people mistreating her. I told her something I shouldnt have and the cops got involved. I almost got arrested, but instead was given a 3 week vacation to a mental hospital.
    So whatever you decide to do, KEEP IT LEGAL!

  3. kick the girl’s ass. she deserves it…and if you don’t want to fight her, at least tell her to leave you the hell alone. no one should have to put up with what you’re putting up with right now.

  4. I got alot of people out after me and a friend because they think were gay. So today my friend and I have to stand up for ourselves and our subculture thats what the fights about blacks VS freaks. So wish me luck in about four hours I will get the shit beat out of me. seeing as the population of blacks is alot more widespread.

    As far as cutting ive never found anything wrong with it. Its a way to relieve stress I tend to take my anger out on myself rather than others.

    If you got a problem then try to work it out first I dont like resorting to violence but sometimes its the best thing for you.
    Most of my friends we had to resort to physical violence to gain each others respect. Sounds kind of stupid but its important to know each others boundarys. Sorry I couldnt be more help.
    Good luck.

  5. Yah bitch her out, kick her ass, and cutting is just fine. As already state.

    ~*Morbid Endings*~

  6. Wow, thanks for all your advice! I’ve decided to cuss her out if she tries anything else and then smack her across the face… Sounds fun, huh? Stupid bitch… Oh, and schiz… I hope you’re all right!

  7. only do what you can back up. if not you’re definately going to come home with a beating worse than hers. do stick up for yourself, but try doing it with a different approach. try scare tactics. go in the bathroom before she does and go in a stall, use her name and chant some phony (or real if you choose) spell. then cut off a doll’s head (preferably one with her hair color) and let it roll out of the stall from under the door. you’ll freak her out.

    then walk down a crowded hallway and get right behind her. cut off some of her hair. make sure she sees you with the hair, tie it into knots while you’re chanting silently to yourself. i’m sure she’ll get the picture.

  8. Blood is nothing but internal conflicts with her is interesting. Do something for her to fear you. Make it happen like you can do anything to her if you wanted her.

    Threats are bullshit, action is something. I saw that clean edge of my blade. and i saw myself on there, smiling…

  9. like most of the people said…don’t cut yourself….I have the same situation at my school…all you can do is to not care about this person and if they by some how ask ypu for help say no…but that is all i can say from my own expirencis…also ask this bitch (if you want to) if it is her joy or reason in life and if it is well than just…..avoid her or like i said ignore her…..but do NOT cut your self…

    ps hope this help


  10. Did i say something cutting your own self?

    What’s your use if you can’t hurt them?

    You are not a coward yet you fear your actions…


  11. About this bitch, now… I got in her face and cussed her out, saying that I didn’t know her and asking what reason she had to justify her actions… She did NOTHING. Just walked away in some sort of shame. It’s amusing, actually. I never see her anymore.

    About the cutting… It just happens whenever something takes a stab at my heart. I guess it’s the only pain I can control and that’s why I do it. I think I’m gonna tone it down a little now though because when I stupidly wore short sleeves when my arms were scarred and red, people got freaked out. Thanks for all your help, all of you. Dunno if I learned anything or not, but next time this happens I’m not gonna sit there in tears with blades, I’m gonna go out there and kick their ass. Wish me luck. 🙂

  12. sometimes when you voice yourself, you scare off more enemies than if you had come in there with a loaded uzi.

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