How I feel about Suicide. I don’t. I don’t particularily like suicide, it’s just something that happens. The begining stages of suicide. That just happens to, I cut myself to feel and to bleed, that’s my relase that’s how I escape my everyday problems. I just cut myself, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t inflict any sideaffects like drugs do. its a habbit, its a part of me, anyone who accepts me must accept my suicidal side. Well they don’t have to accept my suicidal part, they just have to understand it and not pressure me or bother me with ‘why you shouldn’t cut yourself 101’ lessons. It’s just something that happend to me, and I don’t want to get over. People have said someday you know your gonna slip and then you’ll die, but those people also do drugs, I mean in the end we all die, we all die different ways, either naturally, or accidentally, drug-overdose, suicide(purposely). My friend just recently died, because he commited suicide, people called him a ‘nerd’ and shit, he wasn’t a close friend, more of an aquantiance, but still, people tell me you don’t understand what it feels like to die, but honestly I already feel dead. Living is just another escape, its not reality. Its like death, its not real either. It just an illusion.
By Gretchen
im a street poet, I love the dark, I don't like being asked to many questions, and people who repeat themselves annoy me. "Ill come to thee by moonlight"
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