a lone walker treads her path a hallow wind blows her breath away the tip, tip tapping of her shoes echo’s down the alley each shadow magnified by perspective except a shadow stirred before she could call out another sound broke the tip, tip tapping of her shoes a loud pop with a steaming oblong… Continue reading Rest in peace
Tag: absence
Dear Charlatan
As lovely as blood dripping, thickening in your temple You left earlier than I remember ensconced in a threshold of cosmic sounds in riot in full catharsis that promises no end… left to shatter…fails to embrace my longing for your rebirth here in a dark corner of my mind in your truer absence I’ve invited… Continue reading Dear Charlatan
Beyond profane
Singing softly your moan of death Finally giving to me your last breath As I held you in my arms As I covered all your secret charms
Dead Beauty
Timidly entertained by her simple smile, A bloody cut from ear to ear and her teary eyes. Her wrists penetrated by the rusty nails, Her hands in a fist, a lost fight.
gentle letters delicate for the keeping sometimes read bitterly