Looking down At this broken world Felt in the innocence Of a little girl Not realizing hope Not seeing the light Eyes torn out Raped of sight Life wrapped In a murky essence Entwined in deceit Found in its presence Festering away Rotting in time Its darkness sinks deep So strong and sublime Blinded by… Continue reading -[X.x]- When Angel’s Cry Blood –[x.X]-
Tag: angel
Goddess and the God
She escapes into the night Working magick in the moon sight Making time forget its place Changing reality’s current face
Chilblained Spirit
Dark and deep alone I will sit, within the cell I have created for me. The chains, wither the flesh about my joints, and make me curse each passing day. So alone,
your puppet
I Am You puppet. I’m Your Weapon. I’m Your killer. I’m Your murderer. I do what you say, No matter what I Do, I can’t Control myself.
Fallen Angel slips again, sinking through the dirt, paperdoll cuts herself, she loves it cuz it hurts.
no title
My life Changes Every day. Only to Get worse. THe pain in me, Grows And Grows. Never Ending. Never mercey. Every day is a war. LIfe and Death All around me. Mom Says she hates me. I know it’s true. Because she also hits me. she yells at me. Not once, has she ever said… Continue reading no title
death, is it what it seems?
Ha! Death does it not sound peaceful? Untouched, by the modern problems, Free of pain suffering and sorrow. Don’t you want to cut those ties? That holds you strong to the mortal realm,
I know a few of these poems I have already posted but I decided to put my whole collection of poems together since I refuse to watch TV anymore and refusing to read the papers with the war going on in Iraq so why not share my writting and keep my mind off of things… Continue reading Poems
My Angel
To my angel The one I almost lost I have loved you Since I met you You have given me life You have given me The will to live
all alone
I look Deep into the stars, I look for you, i can see you, Your the Brightest Star Up there, Shinning Some into my life,, I miss you DAy and Night, Why do I put up this Fight.