Sitting in the graveyard, Ashley wondered how she could have let this happen. It’s all my fault that you’re here, she thought. I should have listened to you. She remembered how she had let this happen. After two years she could still remember the way he smelled, the way he looked, and even the night… Continue reading All My Fault…
Tag: ashley
Just a Notch in Anothers Belt
After everything he has been through, it’s amazing that he can trust anyone after her. “The Jew” as he now calls her. She only wanted him for one thing. She used him over and over. She cheated on him more times then you can imagine.
the story of my life
lets cut the crap, sure i had a happy childhood. but i feel that is only because i was ignorant to the world around me, i was at peace not knowing anything about discrimination, and losing friends. up until about a year ago…
Committed: Psych Building, LAC/USC General Hospital
It was a Wednsday. I was 14 and sitting in my fourth period class when I got a summons to the office telling me I was to go to the V.I.P.(violence intervention program) center right away.