I can hear Mom and Dad in the living room watching the T.V while I pretend to be sleeping. “Honey, can you go check if Alice is sleeping yet?” He gets up and starts walking down the hall. Oh no, oh no. Please turn around. Go.
Tag: barley
Catch Of Death (True Story)
I used to think that all of my friends just used me and my parents hated me. I knew that, the parent part. All of my friends would say,” its okay amber, just relax, you’ll get threw it.” But i knew that they all rather me die, not exist, pretty much im just the living… Continue reading Catch Of Death (True Story)
i need advice please
im sorry but i need help. um, well my mom put me in coulnising, cuz she thought there was somethin wrong w/me being in my room constley. but anyway i started cutting. my consler dosent kno but one of my friends had a idea that i might be so she asked to see my wrists.… Continue reading i need advice please
Waiting (short story)
Blood flowed down his cheek and he knew that he was doomed, the creature followed him still, after all this time. Why wasn’t it dead? “I killed you, I bloody killed you, you monster!” He reached for his power sword, he fumbled with the switch and the power cell came to life.
If ever
Coming back to what I knew Looking back and remembering. That which was there but once, Now forever gone