If only you were still here with me I’d pour you a glass of my broken heart And watch you raise the glass to the lips that once were mine I’d stare as the poison slid down your throat And watch your once beautiful face grow pale I’d stand there as you’d start to choke
Tag: beautiful face
Remembrance and Longing
Burning, quivering Staring into the junoesque Handsome face of oblivion Noticing the slight curvature In the features of her smile As the moonlight radiates over her skin Showing crevices, indentations Around that little grin But it moves closer Steadily advancing on her guard Both women amazed at their own actions Harming no one Naïve in… Continue reading Remembrance and Longing
Beautiful Suicide
a beautiful sucide a scarafice of love and body words spoken but not forgotten twisted and torn i lay here wishing i had never been born my emotions are so mangeled i know not what it is i feel or where to do i want to turn and run but you grasp is tight im… Continue reading Beautiful Suicide
Where are you…
I love you Michael…..I miss you so much. Why did you leave me, why did you leave me all alone? I don’t understand, where is my God? Why did you take him from me, I love him so much. I need him, I am so afraid…..I am so lonely without you Michael.
My one true friend
i held the blade in my hand the same one he did it with, i saw the beauty and the pain that it held. i didnt know why i hadnt thought of this way out before. i mean i had thought about it before but never like this never the way i did today. it… Continue reading My one true friend
Eternal Bliss
He watched her from the darkness. His vampire eyes Taking in her every feature. Her long dark hair flowed over her shoulders in soft curls and her earth colored eyes looked blindingly in the darkness. She spun around in a circle making her white lace dress rustle with her movement. It gave her the look… Continue reading Eternal Bliss
Before The End
Lazy eyes, psychosomatic pains, and a lost mind. Great nothings become great spirits. Damaged goods are sold to the unsuspecting innocent. Cackling laughter from the Devil and his subjects.
Remy and Angel ….The Meeting..Part 1
Angel stood in the Garden slowly rocking back and forth the tears slid down her beautiful face as she sang a soft sad lilting song her voice quivered with emotion but it did not disrupt the beauty of the song it only hightened the sadness of her softly sung words .