my life was almost perfect, with martynas in my life, i loved him to death and he loved me back to death, this dickhed jaron ruined everything cuz he was jealous, he told him i cheated on martynas with him and even got friends to beleive him to tell martynas, he was so sad, no… Continue reading i have no title for this
Tag: bipolar
While crying…
Look at my tears falling form my eyes. Look at my eyes while I cry. Look at me I urge…
~being bipolars a bitch!!~
this is the follow up to “parents who should be shot” well when i last left you guys my mom was bitching about everything. . . and i found out why. . . my mom is bipolar . . .
Religious Hypocracy
My best friend has just discovered the evils of the Mormon Church, the hard way. Born and raised in the church both he and I had similar experiences, in that we both had to sit around for three hours, listening to religious propoganda every sunday. And we were both babtised into the Church.