The Dark Alley Chapter 1

It was only 8 o’clock, but the night seemed to last an eternity. She walked down the darkened alley to a red neon sigh that read”The bleeding Heart”. It was another cold night where she lived and as always she curced the coldness. Katie miller had always hated the cold and she knew she always… Continue reading The Dark Alley Chapter 1

A Reflection of Snow

The morning broke with eerie silence, the ground below him cracked and dry, covered in snow. Could see his breath with every gasp, but the air was not cold. The canopy of branches overhead allowed threads of the new day’s sunlight to trail down leaving the forest spotted like a leopard. Where the sun hit… Continue reading A Reflection of Snow

Two days in the home of shyanne,seth, and misti

It was a cold Grey-collored night sky. I was watching Lilo and Stitch on DVD at te same time waiting for Shyanne to get home with a friend for me. Hours later after the movie ended I heard thekey unlocking the door and quietly ran to it and unlocked it for her. I opened it… Continue reading Two days in the home of shyanne,seth, and misti