Alone I lay here dreaming… awake…by the light that surrounds me this blindness I can not see I’m lost in myself a mind can only take someone so far This being I call by name… this vessel…It brings me shame I look down upon who I am I can’t see what others seem to know… Continue reading Alone
Tag: blindness
I have just discovered something to which many people may never figure out.There are basically two kinds of people in this world.There are the ordinary people and the unordinary people.You are not placed in a catagory by how much money u have or the way u dress….It soley depends on what you feel….
Lord of Deception
The deception had been compelete, so well done that it had not been noticed at the time through ignorance and misunderstanding. It was so easy for him to hide behind that facade and make his complex and convoluted plans for control, his control of events and the atmosphere surrounding.
My Angel
To my angel The one I almost lost I have loved you Since I met you You have given me life You have given me The will to live
The blindfolded
We walk around in rows, our eyes are of glass.. We see the world behind a world of blindness… We live in an illusion…
the line
lost in this slumber, im found here in wonder. just what is this at stake. am i worth all the time,
Beyond profane
Singing softly your moan of death Finally giving to me your last breath As I held you in my arms As I covered all your secret charms
The shadows of Midnight are very bright
In the mist of the moonlight do i fight the unseen demons. On the velvet eyes of innocence do I stain the truths of the world.
Invisible Wings
Do you know that we all have wings rooted in our backs? Really, we do. But we just don’t see them. We’re blind to this as to many other things. Because we choose to be blind. We choose to deny the fantastic side of our lives. What’s it for anyway? It’s not rational, not proven,… Continue reading Invisible Wings