The skies turned dark to match my heart, this is the first day of the war. For so long the oucasts have been murdered in waves upon waves, being burried amidst where fecile matter is deposited. I knew it in my heart, something had to change, and it sure as hell wasn’t me. I would… Continue reading First Day of the War
Tag: bushes
Darkness filled the cold, small town of Sunnydale as the clock struck midnight. 15 year old, Samantha Parkins wrapped her jacket around her shoulders as a brisk wind filled the air. She could see her breath in the air and she let out a worried sigh. Samantha had always felt apprehensive about walking home at… Continue reading vampires
Wicked Ways
Paul was up to his knees in mud. It was a dirty job this time of year, it always rained a lot, but the bulbs needed to be planted and the grass certainly needed mowing and he wasn’t about to let a bit of rain stop him.