It was silent. Perhaps chose to be. Which drifted into several strings of thought. It expanded, condensed and removed itself from our plane of existence. Fell forward in its state of airless flight, screaming. Screaming my name out of oblivion into this fragile world. It wanted me to come to it. To find a way… Continue reading Inside of oblivion
Tag: calling my name
Where Are You ..?
Everyone ignores me. Nobody can see me! I’m invisable. I live in my solitude, it protect me. I love my solitude. I love it more than you, mommy. Know why? Because its there for me. It tells me things, bad things.
Kissed by death…
KISSED BY DEATH I’m running and running ‘N there’s no where to go So you gather and stare Like it’s some kind of freak show
Last Seconds…
I look at the clock and count down the seconds until my next class… twenty-nine…. twenty-eight…. twenty-seven…. twenty-six…
Into the Night (poem)
Scourging blindly through the thick brush Moving farther and deeper into this void.