this has been eating away at the back of my mind for a couple days now. edgar allen poe. he wrote some pretty dark shit, and then some. but was he a bad guy? its not meant to make him seem like a good one, i am honestly clueless to whether he was a good… Continue reading where does poe go?
Tag: couple days
Cannot See
I only knew you for a couple days, i thought we were meant to be, we were alike in to many ways, except i was loyal and you couldnt see,
Cannot see
I only knew you for a couple days, i thought we were meant to be, we were alike in to many ways, except i was loyal and you couldnt see,
Blind Hopes
All my life i have wanted nothing but to find my one true soul mate… I never really wanted to be rich, famous, or even well known. Well finally about two weeks ago i found someone that would be perfect. He is nice, funny, and crazy. He told me that he doesn’t want a serious… Continue reading Blind Hopes