poetic Footsteps fading in the snow Children not knowing where to go THere they are standing still Footsteps fading in the snow. Children not knowing where to go so they start to play in the snow The creatures of the night come out in dark When the scurrying critters and hooting starts Children not knowing… Continue reading Fading Footsteps
Tag: creatures of the night
Creatures of the night
They live in the dark day and night Hiding away from the sun’s sight Watching the humans walk around Giving away small helpless sounds
People think they know me. People say they are like me. But htey have no idea of what I realy am. they sall themselves VAMPIRES creatures of the night when all they are is miserable mortals with the imagination of a ten year old. They are no more than the enevitable scum of this earth.… Continue reading I am VAMPIRE
Creatures of the night
When darkness arrives Fear for your lives For the creatures of the night come And they will leave you numb
the hunt
standing atop the tower he looks down apon them all his fallowers