Burning, quivering Staring into the junoesque Handsome face of oblivion Noticing the slight curvature In the features of her smile As the moonlight radiates over her skin Showing crevices, indentations Around that little grin But it moves closer Steadily advancing on her guard Both women amazed at their own actions Harming no one Naïve in… Continue reading Remembrance and Longing
Tag: crevices
He has haunted me for as long as I can remember. He’s been a dark shadow always hovering over me. He stalks me in my dreams; lurks in the shadows of my every nightmare.
Every High Has Its Low Points
You’re walking on earth yet you don’t see the true uglyness about it. You keep walking yet you are oblivious to the fact that there are crevices and cracks here and there and later they may form into something of a mammoth size.
Backwards and forwards, I flip and flop like a bug on its’ back and realize that nothing is ever normal. Even the smoothest fabric if pressed upon has some internal roughness.