Forgive the girl that doesn’t know, What she has done, Look at what she has left to show, To all who cared. Forgive the girl that was always alone, Even in the largest crowds, All thats left of her now are bones, Surrounded by her misery. Forgive the girl who will feel the pain, From… Continue reading Forgive
Tag: crowds
Nothing But Darkness
Walking away never really solves anything, but it seems like an easy escape, and a very appealing one. One could dream about a new beginning, being someone else, anywhere else, just someplace where there is no need to deal with the present, and the damage one can cause in a few simple, unthought out actions.… Continue reading Nothing But Darkness
My Best Friend~Poetry
Part 1 Why are you like that? You know that I care. The only reason I told, Was so I knew you’d stay there. I was afraid something would happen. I gave in to the scare. But you didn’t have to change, You knew I’d be there. You knew I’d be hurt, You thought it… Continue reading My Best Friend~Poetry
HELPLESS-continued-why are you like that?
Why are you like that? You know that I care. The only reason I told, Was so I knew you’d stay there.
Walking Corpes #2
they say that you can not change the past… they say that you will just have to live with it… i refuse to live with it… i will change the times what …
Angel amongst the Devils
Carefully now…Don’t want to crush any of the flowers that God so wonderfully created for us. He wouldn’t be too happy if I destroyed any of his precious possessions and I certainly wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the big man upstairs.