So tired of this burden nothing but rumors unspoken heard only in hollow ears my lost innocence thus shedding in tears
Tag: deamons
No time to talk! Gotta run
Her lips, hair, breasts and thighs…. Beauty is but mere dung compared to her. Her eyes pierced my very soul to the point of vindiction but now was not the time. “When will there be a time?!” She said to me as my hands caressed her back. It seemed that holding her in my arms… Continue reading No time to talk! Gotta run
Beyond the Beyond
I see as I walk through all these valleys with their shadows that there’s a few who presume to hijack the comments of the many. They appear as 5 villianous deamons in the darkness, all of the same mind and fight over the scraps that they leave behind and call each other names from the… Continue reading Beyond the Beyond