you people are very good at writing long stories so i decided to put together my skills that i think i dont have and see if you people will like it.if you do comment and let me is obviously not true.
Tag: deaths
Deaths Doorway
He looked like deaths friend. It wasnt only him. I look around this town, and the towns surrounding, death is all over in unussual amounts.
Krystal Klear
I feel so trapped. There are so many people around me who say they want to be my “friends”.How do I know who to trust?What if they just want to use me?
‘What a Shame’ and a few more poems
What a shame All these years I’ve tried to hide My desperate tears
Deaths Deception
I stare deeply into The night sky Searching and hoping For just one reason why You had to die.
night mistress
a midnight mistress danced in his room. candle light burned on the wall like a fire of sacrafice. her smile was warm and welcoming. he watched with cold desire feeling no warmth from her body but lust from her lips.
Grasping death
We all seek the higher power the form of death that lets us either live a little bit or die a little bit.
Don’t Speak Of
Through the night I stalk my pray and I manipulate the outcome of their deaths, you must understand that what I have to do is a necessity, for my own death may come to a closure.
The things I do I do for me The pain The humuliation
-death comes easy in these times -quick deaths are for cowards -long agonizing deaths are for the brave -life has no meaning