This might be a little boring for some…but I just wanted to share some of the pages from my diary. It is kinda silly and a little confusing, but hey~~>that’s the story of my life. I hope most of you enjoy it.
Tag: diary
Diary of a high school steriotype (pt. 2)
April 7, 2003 Cassie *the desensitized punk* uJournal,
Diary of a high school steriotype
April 4, 2003 (Krissy, the “popular prep”) Dear Diary, OMG!! Thank god it’s friday! I don’t think I could take nemore of school, it’s so stupid, I mean, who the hell cares how sum1 gets from 1 point 2 another? I don’t! All I care about right now is that i get to see reggie… Continue reading Diary of a high school steriotype
Calling All Rivetgrrls
Hello, no, no, this isn’t about cannabals or demonis lovers. No. This is a blurb about a project of mine that I need your help with. I’m working to put to gether a book that is inspired by one I saw of skinhead girls a couple years back.
ThE DiArY oF ArKaDy TsEpEsH
God, in whom I put no faith, help me! I do not believe in You—did not, but if I am to accept such infinite Evil as I have become, then I prey infinite Good exists as well, and that it has mercy on what remains of my soul. I am the wolf. I am Dracul.… Continue reading ThE DiArY oF ArKaDy TsEpEsH
Dark Update
Ouch! We’ve had some server troubles to work through as of late. Fortunately though, we’ve been able to keep things running and not being down for too long at one time. If something seems odd or doesn’t work at all, give it 10 minutes and try it again. There are a few new enhancements I’ve… Continue reading Dark Update