Apocalyptic Vision The world’s ending mother fuckers. Can’t you see that? Look around at the hell we live in. Minds changed, deranged Bridges burned, hearts chained Sould ravaged, damned Tables turned, the fall of man Happy memories of pasts we’ve forgotten Fading to dust, icy like frost There is no love, Only lust A drive… Continue reading Apocalyptic Vision
Tag: drop of blood
A Bleeding Heart- death
The blood runs down her arms, another drop of blood falls to the floor filling the puddle of blood beneathe her feet. Nothing could prepare her for the pain she was put through tonight.
i stare into a blank wall in my black bedroom just holding my knees close to my chest. there is noise all around the music blaring, the phone ringing, yet all i can hear are my tears hitting the cold floor. i fear to fall asleep for i shall see your face, it haunts me… Continue reading SET ME FREE
Doubt everything
As I’m walking home from school, I notice that the only thing I can hear any more, is the thudding of my two feet, and the annoying prattling which is coming from my pencil tin. As my mind starts to think about the assignments, which was supposed to be done by tomorrow, I, start to… Continue reading Doubt everything
Painful Pleasure
Love is pain. it cuts through human flesh, hollowing the body out, leaving nothing but an empty shell. It’s like the Grim Reaper, taking your life away without consent or warning. It drains you of every drop of blood dwelling in your body. It’s good for awhile, but you always get screwed in the end.… Continue reading Painful Pleasure
Through the embracing he wondered what may have happened. He looked up into her eyes feeling her pain. The blood poured out of her graceful neck straight in through his crimson lips. His eyes were possessed by a light color of orange, and as he looked into her eyes, he seemed to grow angry. Not… Continue reading NOW AND FOREVER
Apocalyptic Visions
A collaborative effort of Sacrifice Theory and MourningStar2002. Posted with permission from the band Tears of Pain. Apocalyptic Visions The world’s ending mother fuckers. Can’t you see that? Look around at the hell we live in. Minds changed, deranged Bridges burned, hearts chained Sould ravaged, damned Tables turned, the fall of man Happy memories of… Continue reading Apocalyptic Visions
For you
Down another pill and watch it all float away…. I want to hurt him like he hurt me…i want him to have the kind of pain that lingers…that haunts and follows you around. The kind of paon that effects everything you do. But i cant, i have no emotional control over him soo…ill just sit… Continue reading For you
Lying in the darkness Crying softly in my bed So many morbid thoughts Slowly drifting through my head
Shards of Secrets
The girl let the salty tears slither to the floor as she huddled in a ball. Crouched on cold ground, gazing at the pieces of a broken mirror, she sobbed and shuddered. There was knowing that no amount of tears or apologies could make up for the secrets she had let slip her normally silent… Continue reading Shards of Secrets