Fallen Angel: Epilouge

With the storm brewing all around her, she looked into the pond to see her reflection. She did not recognize the person looking back at her. The person in the water wore a tattered rain soaked cloak over an equally described, lithe form. Every time the lighting flashed, cuts and bruises could be seen on… Continue reading Fallen Angel: Epilouge


.. on this rock that the “norms”call earth, technology was supposto kill you but instead, you adjusted and gained the power to HATE everything except the adrinaline rush that keeps you killing the “innocents” who think and wish, death would come and drag you to oblivion, to the bottomless pit of darkness from which you… Continue reading ETURNALLY UNRAVELING.. CONTINUED..

this is a different point of religious view from the one i had before

ok. i know i wrote before that i didnt believe in god and satan. i still hold strong on the satan doesnt exist thing. all we want is an excuse for our faults, or for what we do. if the god loves us as much as he/she says, (im just gonna call god and it)… Continue reading this is a different point of religious view from the one i had before