standing there, in your arms i know i’m safe ,from all harm you kissed all the tears from my face you held me in endless embrace my heart is beating just for you i will love you until the end of time and in the moment you said you were mine i knew i was… Continue reading My angel (poetic)
Tag: embrace
Hell Hole
Wondering if I’ll make it through the day Hoping that I’ll see him when I get there Praying that I shouldn’t blow it away Crying out to whoever will listen, clawing at my hair Obsessing, driving me over the edge Leaping only at broken opportunities I pray to God, please don’t let me do something… Continue reading Hell Hole
loves logic
Why is it that when one falls in love everything they ever thought was right, whatever logic they had, and whatever they believed in means nothing and is reshaped by love. There is no logic to love everything that while in love is pure emotion, no thinking is involved. Beliefs, rights and wrongs all are… Continue reading loves logic
The darkest hour shall arrive to take away the sorrow hands cold as regret oh sweet tranquil death indeed I came upon such embrace and gazed at a soul so strangely defined perfectly ruptured solemnly laid And so the darkest hour shall arrive and arise will the soul be with it’s waking sorrow and hands… Continue reading Requiem
Darkness Your eyes conform to its surroundings searching for some similarity stored in memory A wave of indifference fills your soul You wake up wondering why you’re still breathing All you’ve worked for…gone All you’ve loved…died Yet you’re still here…some how Unaware of your fate, you reclaim your place on which you lay, feeling and… Continue reading Throne
Ramblings of a Malkavian
So you want to know my story eh? Or is it the future that has your intrest? No matter, you will find both here. From begining to end. From Alpha to Omega. Sit down, we have a ways to go then! I will start with my embrace. My embrace was not one of the joyous… Continue reading Ramblings of a Malkavian
Lyme covered corpse.
Breaking the door down he came at me with the force of a train out of control. Trying to think fast I moved out of the way. He came toward me with the embrace a jaguar has on it’s prey. My father was drunk again and he was on another rampage of astronomical proportions. Coming… Continue reading Lyme covered corpse.
Beloved Darkness
All of you are my family. My brothers and sisters of the night. Through our pain and misery, we have found one another. Through understanding and love we have nutured eachother. Darkness is more often than not, misunderstood. People mistake us for bloodthirsty satanic worshippers, whos only care is to bring ruin and misfortune to… Continue reading Beloved Darkness
Here I’m lost, In your eyes, “Drink of me And live forever.”
eyeliner floods
Repitions of building up you and breaking you down dominate my thoughts Every aspect of you is over analyzed The confusion of emotions consumes as your pedestal crumbles Leaving me lonely and lying on the floor covered in it’s rubble