DARKNESS I’m lying on the ground, thinking about my life. Oh how i want to end it so badly. Sometimes i think too much, and my mind gets too carried away. But death is something i know i want. Its something i crave. Sometimes i think I’m crazy. I think that I’m insane. But that… Continue reading Fed Up With Everyday Life
Tag: everyday life
have you ever
Have you ever had a blackened day? Have you ever wished it was not today? Have you ever wished upon a distant star, and ask for conciliation for your heart.
getting better
ok i know i said that the world sux and i’m suicidle, and i can’t take the world anymore. so instead of being a stubborn ass and just sitting around waiting for the world to get better i did something and i encourage the rest of you to do this as well.
Letting Go
As I sit and think about you, I realise I have made lots of mistakes Ones that I sometimes hate myself for.. But, I also realise that I have given you lots of things as well, one of them, my heart… I’ve wanted nothing but to be with you, but it seems that everytime I… Continue reading Letting Go
Welcome to my own private hell.I’m trapped in this tortured shell.To be in hell you don’t have to be dead.That’s propaganda put inside of your head.Hell is something you see in everyday life.Everyday someone is stabbed with a knife.I don’t know how your life is, but it was hell for me.During childhood I experienced things… Continue reading Welcome
Anyone else see death as a blessing?
I started being interested in death when I was 11. I think that’s because I started middle school and my teachers encouraged us to expand our minds by reading. And since I always read voraciously anyways, it was just another door opened to me when I saw a Christopher Pike book. I thought I would… Continue reading Anyone else see death as a blessing?