Reality Spasm (13 hours)

They call it reality spasm, come purple ghost rising to the ceiling. A blaze of heat, some ferocious trick devouring the mind. Once your there your home, 13 hours to catch the last fall back into your body. Comes like clockwork, a sick joke counting backwards to the punchline. It issues it sentence and once… Continue reading Reality Spasm (13 hours)

It will only end in pain…

I love her…with all of my heart. Not this teen “puppy love” bullshit… I cannot stop thinking about her. Being in her mere presence makes me so happy, like everything in the world is well, she makes me forget how much i hate myself, how much i hate life, how depressed i once was. But… Continue reading It will only end in pain…

Think Different

Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even things as trivial as someones eyes moving in a way that pissed him off. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked… Continue reading Think Different

Think Different

Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different

Think Different

Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different