The glass spun in the air. The room went silent. It seemed to take forever to land. It span and span. ‘Does this have wings,’ i thought to myself.
Tag: faces
Death is the only way out!
Some days I feel trapped by all of lifes surprizes. I just feel like I should put a gun to my head and pull the damn trigger. Nothing goes my way and I want to keel over and die right infront of a hundred people that I know so they can all see that I… Continue reading Death is the only way out!
Going Down
I’ve started at the top And I’m working my way down. I don’t care much bout what’s going on, Guess I never really did.
Upon These Hands Of Hope Tears From what Is now Joy Soft Touched Skin
Goth: What We Really Are
People have a habit of calling us Goth when we wear our dark clothes and paint our faces white then contrast it with dark makeup. However that has nothing to do with Goth. Goth is the way we believe in what we believe. The clothes just add some taste and a sense of our style.… Continue reading Goth: What We Really Are
dark angel
In your dream you see me clear,i have no restraint no fear powerless i watched from faces i’d assumed. My purpose set, my will defined.caress the air, embrace the skies. Escape the sorrow and resraint of mortal cities.