
Can you dream this fantasy? This fantasy of you and me As if it could never be Gosh why can’t you just see How much i want you with me My love for you is so unreal You just cant see this ordeal Belive me no hurt will become Unlike those others I am not… Continue reading Fantasy

All He Wanted Was Me

You wouldn’t know what it is like-lying there. Watching people press their ugly faces in on you. It was….odd. Not to where I didn’t understand but to the point where it didn’t make sense. He really messed me up. I mean, really. I didn’t know why he did. Until then. Until the time came. Until……death.… Continue reading All He Wanted Was Me

Natural Urge

As the new light displaces the shadow, All that I had hidden from, is reborn, More blunt has it now become, The faster it is for me to outrun.