There was this girl, Harmony, no one ever noticed her really even though she did have a boyfriend, she always faded into the shadows. The only thing that really stood out was her pale skin and deep green eyes behind all the black. She always sat in the back of class with head phones on… Continue reading Still Screaming
Tag: few days
This poem is dedicated to Nathaly Bautista which she will be missed by all who cared for her. You might of known her for many years and shared moments with many tears, You might of known her a few days you felt like you’ve known her forever knowing her heart like a firey blaze, She… Continue reading “Rememberance”
Endless silence.
It’s been weeks since then.. I haven’t done much but write write cry write cry and cry a little more. I’d sleep of course, to get away from living. I’ve always thought of sleep as a psychotic break from reality rather than just resting. Since then, I’ve just been writing. About what? Honestly, I can’t… Continue reading Endless silence.
LIfe as she now knows it
She sits there thinking about the things going on in her life. No longer can she withstand the pain of it all. Life has no options here for her any longer. As she takes the glicining blade to her pale skin smecks of gleaming red appear, after a while the specks turn ino a puddle,… Continue reading LIfe as she now knows it
Pages from my life….
This might be a little boring for some…but I just wanted to share some of the pages from my diary. It is kinda silly and a little confusing, but hey~~>that’s the story of my life. I hope most of you enjoy it.
Well, “Love”
Lets see everytime anyone talks about love they just come and say that love is a full rush of feelings. But for me that is not enough if we took it as a definition, so if its ok let me tell you what’s love for me after every second I had spend with you. Well,… Continue reading Well, “Love”
Senseless Desire 4
“I am you in your dream,” the words whispered again,” reality is changing, rearranging as I speak.” The voice faded, attention diverted to the sparsely clouded sky. Ribbons of light trailing to the ground. Racing across the field, horizon to horizon. Nothing blocked the view except a single oak tree, set dead center on the… Continue reading Senseless Desire 4
Boo!! Poem! (just a rant…)
Grr I’m so annoyed!! I just wrote a long poem, which was very different to a lot of my usual poems… When i clicked “Submit” it said “Sorry, we require 60 seconds before each post” (or summat) and now it’s gone!!!
I had been looking forward to this night ever since she left me. It was the day of our marriage. We had planned it to be in Paris inside our favorite Goth club, Les Vampires. It was the club that we had met at and had our first ‘interaction’.
Fireworks from the Psych Ward
Listen up! I was having flashbacks a few days ago and tripped out on the memory of watching fireworks at the psych ward. Out of curiosity I’d like to know (if anyone can remember) what you were all doing on July 4th of 2000.