i was a vampire part I

I remember being in my social worker`s car heading towards my new foster home. october contrast, cold humidity, whe arrived. I stood infront of my new home, an old victorian house. The whole street was very quiet, someone was looking threw the the window and thts when the door opened. “Hello“an old optimistic women stood… Continue reading i was a vampire part I

Deadly Love-Chapter One

I always loved him and I told him I’d love him always-life or death. And he loved me, too. Saying those exact same words. I knew I would always love him forever because many people would tell us, “you;re meant to be. You’re meant to be.” And I’d simply answer each time, “Forever.” We’d always… Continue reading Deadly Love-Chapter One

Let Go

I’m up in my room, waiting for you to come. Long ago, before you left me, you promised me that whenever I felt lonely, or needed you, just to call you and you’d be here. Now, I’m here, feeling lonely, calling out your name. A few hours pass, and you’re still not here.

Mom says, Mom thinks, Mom may have a Point?

Moving…back on this subject. Mom says I need to make myself over over the summer, before we move. You know, no more black clothing, no more weird assed bracelets & necklaces, no more black nails, no more spikes. I say no and that I’m going to keep wearing this stuff. Mom doesn’t think they’ll accept… Continue reading Mom says, Mom thinks, Mom may have a Point?