Apocalyptic Vision

Apocalyptic Vision The world’s ending mother fuckers. Can’t you see that? Look around at the hell we live in. Minds changed, deranged Bridges burned, hearts chained Sould ravaged, damned Tables turned, the fall of man Happy memories of pasts we’ve forgotten Fading to dust, icy like frost There is no love, Only lust A drive… Continue reading Apocalyptic Vision

hurt me

I lay in bed each morning fearing to wake up because i know when i get up and see you i wil go through the same thing i go through every other day. I have gotten use to feeling your fist on my skin hitting me when i do the wrong thigs but how can… Continue reading hurt me

hurt me

I lay in bed each morning fearing to wake up because i know when i get up and see you i wil go through the same thing i go through every other day. I have gotten use to feeling your fist on my skin hitting me when i do the wrong thigs but how can… Continue reading hurt me