i walk through the eternal shadow that is my life. Where there was light and happyness and hope, now lies darkness and despair. Why can’t people see this?
Tag: flicker
Darkness Your eyes conform to its surroundings searching for some similarity stored in memory A wave of indifference fills your soul You wake up wondering why you’re still breathing All you’ve worked for…gone All you’ve loved…died Yet you’re still here…some how Unaware of your fate, you reclaim your place on which you lay, feeling and… Continue reading Throne
brown rusted vents slowly opens , spewing chips of old pain across the floor. The shadows within , reveal two pathetic red and soulless eyes.
flicker flicker…smolder
I sat there wavering in the darkness. Alone. The adjacent spaces, filled up with the silence in the room. As I rested on the ancient table my possessor laid me on, I flickered. My body melting slowly as I looked intently at the sinister walls. The murky waters, leaking in the ceiling, dripping down beside… Continue reading flicker flicker…smolder