I remember the Arguement as vivdly as the screen infront of me. I remember the power of his voice blasting through my ears like a black night swarming over a beautiful day. And I remember the force of his hand slamming against my body. I remember the pain that shot through my body, the shocks… Continue reading Pain Tolerance
Tag: fucker
bobby, magician, my nemesis
i don’t know where this belongs, it’s just fucked me up and i felt like writing it. i never understood what was wrong with me, every one seemed to think there was somthing, but they wouldn’t tell me what. the medication only seemed to make me drousey and retarded, i took it if it’ll shut… Continue reading bobby, magician, my nemesis
The land is cold and dark, most people perfer darkness, I love it. I walk around the deserted block of this so called big city and I find nothing of value here, there are prostitutes waiting around in the alleys, they do not see my face if they did they would know the true meaning… Continue reading Reaper
gluttony (sin 2)
look at that fat fucker waddling down to the store. nobody to love him nobody to care
fuck you! fuck them! fuck them all! i hate them! basterds… you son of a bitch i thought you were my frineds! your nothing but a hand full of liers!
I wnna rip your fucking head off! Everynight I dream of killing you. I can perfectly see the knife peircing your skin. I can see the blood running down your chin.
Stuck-up Bitches
I’m sure everyone has been a victim of some conceited fucker’s taunts at one point in this black pit of despair called life. It’s happened to me before, now it’s happening again.