Labeling is a part of life. Whether we like it or not. Even if some of us dont like it, think about it… We all do it. Dont deny it. Athelets=jocks/preps Intelligent people= Nerds/Dorks/Freeks (sometimes.) so why dont we all just get used to it cause thats the way life is going to be. Okay… Continue reading Small Towns suck ass
Tag: going to hell
The demons are crawling The demons are calling To you from the earth Begging ordering you to submit to their ways
do not hate others if you don t want them to hate you
hi fellow goths. i would like to say i don t like hearing gothic people talk about how “stupid” christians are. no i am not a christian, and if forced to say i would say i m an atheist (although agnostic is a better word).