this has been eating away at the back of my mind for a couple days now. edgar allen poe. he wrote some pretty dark shit, and then some. but was he a bad guy? its not meant to make him seem like a good one, i am honestly clueless to whether he was a good… Continue reading where does poe go?
Tag: good person
Warped Reality
alright i have a question for you all about a friend, a bitch no wait i take that back a truly loving wonderful human being that i just dont know what to do with. someone, anyone please help.
I try…But I Fail
Walk with eyes to the ground Heart under foot– Soul given to second time around shop I try, but I’ll fail
My poem: Last Breath
My emotions are turning into one big jumbleSuicide, maybe then I could rest and be humble.All it would take is one deep slice to the wrist,Everything in this world makes me so fucking pissed.If it’s not one thing it’s anotherOne more thing and I’ll say, “Fuck it, why bother?”I always thought I was a good… Continue reading My poem: Last Breath