Every spring people end up missing. Days later their bodies are found, drained of blood. In this small town, no one is ever safe, not even me. One dark and cold night I went out with some friends to go to a party. We disobeyed our parents when they said “no going out passed five.”… Continue reading Death Comes To Town (Part 1)
Tag: grabs
It was dark outside, although I had to stand up and go. I was walking in the streets. I couldn’t fallow my thoughts, and the road was stretching and stretching… Suddenly I realize that I have no where to go… I looked around and I saw that I was standing in the middle of crossroad.… Continue reading I’M LOSING MYSELF
His Mission
Ill never forget that night,last night. hidding underneath my bed.Fearing his return,i knew he was in my so call home.i could hear his footsteps coming up the stairs, i hear my door slam open, i hear him calling my name. i tryed as hard a i could to not breath, not move not even blink.if… Continue reading His Mission
What its Like
My ears start to throb I hear his foot steps downstairs Thump, thump, thump I hear him coming up the stairs I start to cry silently I pray to God with all my heart that dad is sober My father starts to scream “Samantha didnt I tell you o do the freaking dishes?” I close… Continue reading What its Like
i asked every1 who could possibly help me,about a situation girly’girly’girly’O and they all said the same thing,the future i hold can be, decided in 3 words or so either i let go…(or pull into me closer and closer but not 2 close) i do not wanna let go..(but pulling closer is something that iv… Continue reading Chance
This Worthless Body
“I’ve had enough….I’ve had enough!!” I say to myself as the blood drips down my nose, and my face burns with the new beatings I have just reseaved. I look around my dark room, not knowing what to do. This has been going on for way too long…way too long. Thinking to myself if I… Continue reading This Worthless Body
a time of pain, (End)
every night before she went to bed,she’d pray to be dead. and every morning she cries and asks god why? why her? why couldn’t he make her die. more tears fill up in her eyes, as she falls to the ground. she goes kiss her mom, dad, brother, and sisters. she writes a note that… Continue reading a time of pain, (End)
Nocturnal Encounter
…Meca lay quietly in Clayton’s room, awaiting his arrival. How she had longed for this moment for all these years. The smell of candle wax and patchouli flooded the room, low music in the background. In the distance she hears the front door open and his feet stumbling up the stairs. Meca giggles quietly remembering… Continue reading Nocturnal Encounter
This is something I wrote many, many years ago for an English class. –mourning
Never Again
I stare into the mirror, I hate my reflection. I see everything in it. I see everythig I try to hide. My black hair falls onto my face hiding another black eye from view, but I still there. Ut’s still there like the bruses along my arms, along my whole body.