A sweet & silent drop of a tears smashes down on the wet ground Even when it rains you could se that single drop of sadness fall before you It touches a wet soiled ground, as you look around you see heaven in the trees, in the sky & in the ground of green grass… Continue reading Tears
Tag: green grass
The Snow Is Easy To Write As Beautiful Inspiration When Your Not Frozen In It
The trees outside are alive with color yet their dying inside. That’s me, I smile and laugh, bright smiles, but I am dying. Their leaves begin to turn brown and fall, but the busy breeze carries them from site before anyone can notice.
Her Fallen Rose
In her dream: In the sweet green grass they lay, they watch the moon and the stars play. As she realized it was a warm summer night, he pulled her close to hold her tight. She remembered he was not her first, the one she still yearns for was carried away in a hearse.