my dreams have been flooded with the grim reaper. there are some where there many of them. there are some where they’re all in white cloaks. either way i always fight with them and end up killing them. there’s been a couple about myself and my parents talking in another room about me being demonic… Continue reading Grim Reaper
Tag: grim reaper
Grim Reaper in dreams
I have very strange dreams? Whenever I go to sleep I dream something. Most of dreams are some kind of nightmares. Well, you judge them yourself.
death to all
Death to All As a young child Joey had a terrible life. His father was a drunk and his mother past away when Joey was very young. His father was terrible to him. He would lock Joey in the closet for no reason but to hear him cry. At school all the other kids tormented… Continue reading death to all
Painful Pleasure
Love is pain. it cuts through human flesh, hollowing the body out, leaving nothing but an empty shell. It’s like the Grim Reaper, taking your life away without consent or warning. It drains you of every drop of blood dwelling in your body. It’s good for awhile, but you always get screwed in the end.… Continue reading Painful Pleasure
The End of Thy Path
Dost thou ever want to end thy path Stray off thy flow, feel the Reaper’s Wrath Dam the tide of thine River’s Current Empty thy soul of all its content Dost thou ever want to descend the ladder Drink the unholy liquor of the adder Thou hast been tangled in its maze of length Strangled… Continue reading The End of Thy Path
Crimson Red
My head if full and throbbing Inside, my soul is sobbing I’ve done everything that I can do I’ve answered the call as if on cue I’ve worked my way through my life And all the while overwhelmed by strife
Walking Corpes #1
Living plague… sweeping across the nation… people head’s exploding… gushing blood… brains left on the floor… I am the creator of the plague… I, the one…