Do you really want to know what I think of magic? Do you? Well, it is not a tastefull answer, considering you might think me to be a practitioner of such. You see, when I was young Jesus or Christ whatever you want to call him let me down. The more I tried to believe… Continue reading Death
Tag: gust of wind
All humans complain of shattered dreams some time or another in their lives. But we have no one else to really blame for these experiences then ourselves alone. Yes, it is us who should be blamed!
The Breeze in the Cave
A gust of wind rustled the wool blanket around her shoulders. Wind on the great plains often meant rain was soon to follow. Thankfully she sat protected by a cavern wall. Yet her safety was futile. They could easily seek and find her. A day ago they had chased her to the brink of a… Continue reading The Breeze in the Cave