Since, im a kid… ive been facing guilt and doing acts independently. My parents are separated, living with my sis. And yes, few changes have been made. Ive been attracted to black since im a kid, does this make me a goth?… I have habit of making cuts , does that make me depress?.. there… Continue reading answers through time
Tag: habit
Letting Love Go
it’s like a slap in the face when you realize that love is no longer there. you hold onto a false hope and a fairy tale future. all to end up having to give it up. it’s like “what was the point?” all the pain, and all the suffering, all the promises, all the dreams,… Continue reading Letting Love Go
Shadows of the Dark
Kava was driving down Route 1 on her way to a vampire’s house that she had confrontations with in the past. Even if Raven was there how could Kava lure Raven out of the house even if she was changed?
..inside.:. taking me closer now, deeper, yet still darker then before. opening truths misunderstood and then possibly some more.
Goth: What We Really Are
People have a habit of calling us Goth when we wear our dark clothes and paint our faces white then contrast it with dark makeup. However that has nothing to do with Goth. Goth is the way we believe in what we believe. The clothes just add some taste and a sense of our style.… Continue reading Goth: What We Really Are
its funny how in life certain addictions are looked down upon while others seize to be recognized by people. 7 years ago (1994) i was a coke addict i would do massive amounts of coke at times i wouldnt have any money to pay for it so i would rob someone or steal a car… Continue reading addictions
I will start out with an apology to those of you who have sufferd through my recent whining. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to break. I have not had much luck with it as of late. I have moved in with my dear old friend. Seperate bedrooms, even though we are dating again..(third times… Continue reading Solutions
Tired of the BS
I suppose it’s my blinding idealism that causes me so many problems, because an unsettlingly large part of me has no understanding whatsoever of why I’m denied the very things that make me feel alive. Happiness hasn’t been an option for me lately, so I turn to other emotions to sustanence and fullfillment. Lust, pain,… Continue reading Tired of the BS